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Profit Increase Funding LLC was founded in 2003 by its President and CEO, Brian Strugs, a Certified Funding Consultant.  Profit Increase Funding is affiliated with Funding Source Companies worldwide to help your company receive the cash you need.

Our Mission: 

We hold ourselves to the highest standards of honesty and integrity to improve and protect your financial security and increase your profits and market recognition through education, information, services concepts and resources!

Our office

Our Goals
  • To provide the working capital you need to help your business run at its optimum level.
  • To make each client feel like our only client.
  • To provide the best customer service possible.

        Profit Increase Funding LLC is a company that has the extremely unique and powerful niche, expertise, and skills to provide, negotiate with, and secure businesses and organizations for you that are seeking to pay Naming Rights Sellers or in other words companies, organizations, establishments or municipalities such as yours, for Naming Rights and/or Corporate Sponsorships. This can provide millions or perhaps tens or hundreds of millions of dollars (and in some cases billions of dollars) for your business, organization, stadium, municipality, non-profit organization, airport, shopping center, television station, amusement park, convention center, office building, church, university, hospital, theater, and many other kinds of venues at virtually no cost and absolutely no risk to you.  We have a strategic and highly efficient system that allows us to provide you with businesses that want to buy Naming Rights from you in an expedient and very easy and convenient manner, which places us in the position to do all of the work for you while you receive all of the profits for your for-profit or non-profit business or municipality. 

        Profit Increase Funding LLC is a company that also has the extremely unique and powerful niche, expertise and skills to secure businesses and organizations that are seeking to sell naming rights to Naming Rights Buyers.  As a Naming Rights Buyer, we can provide your business with the means to obtain great corporate advantages over your competitors by positioning your business among corporate elites and the wise few that seek to acquire the edge via the buying of naming rights.  The ability to place your brand in front of the eyes of the public in strategically situated venues is a priceless asset that will bring you significant return on your investment and in multiple and powerful ways!

What we do makes us exceptional! 

 We facilitate and transact naming rights deals (identifying buyers for the sellers):

     Profit Increase Funding LLC is the only company that, in addition to first facilitating and transacting your naming rights deal by identifying and providing buyers for your naming rights (with you as the naming rights seller), can secondarily, factor those naming rights to provide you all of the cash up front, minus a small fee.  Also, if you have already sold naming rights (or you are in the process of selling them), we can factor them to provide you all of the money upfront, minus a small fee.  The cash upfront will provide huge amounts of money for initial architectural construction or architectural construction expansion or renovation, to create and/or sustain jobs, reduce or eliminate debt and allow for the purchasing of more equpment and supplies.  Or in other words, for the seller of the naming rights, we can combine ALL of the future naming rights annual  incremented payments into ONE lump sum of CASH, up to 95 percent of the total cash value of the naming rights This conversion eliminates the naming rights seller from having to wait for payments to be paid over a period of sometimes 5, 10, 15, or even 20 or 30 years.  The seller receives all of the payments in advance and does not have to negatively contend with or experience the depreciation value of the dollar. 

     This concept was created by Brian Strugs, President/CEO of Profit Increase Funding LLC, and pioneered to meet the needs of clients. 

     We invite you to speak with one of our consultants about how we can create customized, self-generating revenue to help your company grow. 

We can Factor (buy) any future payment evidenced in a contractual agreement or invoices or purchase orders or credit card receivables or notes (mortgage, business), etc.

     Factoring is the process of providing a lump sum of cash to a company that is receiving annual incremented payments.  It does this by providing the company with up to 95 percent of the total face value of the balance of the outstanding monthly or annual incremental payments owed to them.  This process is conventionally and mainly but not exclusively for the Factoring of the accounts receivables/invoices of an establishment.  But also Factoring can be done unconventionally, as in the case of implementing the innovative and pioneering concept of the Factoring of Naming Rights as created by Brian Strugs, the President/CEO of Profit Increase Funding LLC.  Factoring allows a company to cash-in-now on money owed to them in the future.  Many Fortune 500 companies use Factoring worldwide to improve cash flow, promote and finance growth, and increase profits.

We design Self-Generating Revenue Concepts (SGRC).  

     We design innovative Self-Generating Revenue Concepts to help our clients improve their processes and increase profits by (1) suggesting auxiliary businesses, (2) investments, (3) alliances, (4) resources, (5) convenience producing and/or equipment usage strategies, (6) suggested construction additions, (7) improved methodologies to increase cost-effectiveness, (8) developing in-house revenue increasing amenities; necessities; and pertinent availabilities for your specific group of consumers, (9) tourist attracting venues, (10) conventioneer attracting venues, (11) improving products, services, or customer service, (12) advertising, marketing and branding strategies, (13) environmental improvements, (14) political and socioeconomic solutions as they pertain to your establishment, (15) rectification of legal and/or contractual issues and converting them into viable positive utilizations, as well as other useful profit-generating strategies and concepts unique to your company.

     These powerful and extremely profitable, innovative and pioneering services, concepts and strategies can be combined and customized to meet the goals and objectives of your company, organization or municipality!

DISCLAIMER: “Profit Increase Funding LLC” is not a United States Securities Dealer nor Broker nor US Investment Adviser. Profit Increase Funding LLC is a Private International Consulting Business. Profit Increase Funding LLC makes no warranties or representations.  All due diligence is the responsibility of the investor. This website is NEVER TO BE CONSIDERED A SOLICITATION FOR ANY PURPOSE in any form or content.  You have visited this website because you were seeking Consulting Services. If you choose to contact Profit Increase Funding LLC you hereby acknowledge this warning and disclaimer. If acknowledgment is not accepted, Recipient must leave this website. 

WEBSITE DISCLAIMER: For all that are now visiting this website and may again visit it in the future, know that Profit Increase Funding LLC periodically examines and occasionally updates the informational content of our website.  But even though we do that, sometimes the details of our website change from time to time. Therefore, pertaining to the accuracy, topicality, and comprehensiveness of our website, there can be no guarantee or liability that can be assumed or applied from or because of it.

2007 Profit Increase Funding, LLC All Rights Reserved